ビーチでライブin中城モールにお越しいただきました皆さま、設営の皆さま、ありがとうございました!!一緒に出演した4組のアーティストの方々からも新たな刺激をもらえました🎵 Artist: Kenta Suzuki
El Amor From Album “KHRONOS”
Go Funk Baby! From Album “KHRONOS”
Soaring High***
Midnight Highway***
I Thought You Were Here From Album “KHRONOS” ***未発表曲 New Song
Thank you for your all support!

Kenta Suzuki performed at the Live de Beach in Nakagusuku Mall on May 8th (Sun) 2022. We thank you all of audience, live staff who were there. Other 4 artists performed together are so great and He got much motivation from their plays and performance. Hope to see you again soon, thank you!
